$55.00 USD

Talking Shit Masterclass

More food variety, easier poops and symptom relief here you come! 

I'm so excited for you to learn:

  • The underlying causes of gut issues (*hint hint* it's not lack of fiber, water or exercise)
  • What digestive symptoms you may be living with that are common but not actually normal!! 
  • Why conventional and alternative treatments for digestive issues fail and where to start instead using a truly holistic approach
  • A fresh new perspective to gut healing that works and applies to ALL digestive symptoms because we take a whole body approach
  • An introduction to my 5 foundational gut healing protocol I created and used to heal
  • 2-3 action steps to take with each gut healing foundation so you can start seeing symptom improvement ASAP
  • BONUS: 4 Printable guides I use with 1:1 clients (Sugar Cravings, Protein, Grocery List & Poop guide)

What happens next:

  • You will receive a confirmation email and receipt.
  • Log in and start learning!  



This purchase is non-refundable. No information held within is intended to diagnosis, treat or prevent disease. It is for educational purposes only. 

What People Are Saying:

Madisen helped me expand my understanding of the body and healing in a way that actually simplified my approach.


I loved the “back to the basics” approach that Madisen pushed me to take and it really helped my mood, weight and bloating.