Gut Healing Nutrition made simple af.
Learn exactly how to create balanced, gut healing meals on repeat with this framework, all without more food restrictions or elimination diets in this FREE downloadable guide:
The Gut Goddess
Meal Guide✨
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What's inside the meal guide:

A framework for eating you could use literally forever...Meal plans are out, understanding how to meal plan your own with all of the essential pieces to a gut healing meal, is IN! Finally a framework for eating that is flexible to your tastes, budget & preferences.

Know exactly what to include with every single meal...sample food ideas for each 4 essential component will give you ideas on how to mix, match & create delicious meals that make your gut happy too. *BONUS* included is a pretty one page printable guide to stick on your fridge to refer back to.

3 sample days of eating & my 9 favorite gut healing showcase just how simple, attainable & delicious this way of eating gets to be. Gut healing nutrition gets to include all your favorite foods & be flexible to eating out & traveling too, use this framework to build gut healing meals for life.
Hey Gut Health Bestie,
I know what it feels like to feel so confused & defeated with food.
I spent 8 years jumping around from diet to diet doing everything from Vegan to Carnivore.
I took out gluten, dairy, sugar, carbs, eggs, salt, meat & more until my diet consisted of 5 safe foods. I still was struggling with daily bloat, gas, diarrhea, acne & anxiety despite my "perfect" diet.
Fast forward to now...
Now I'm thriving with perfect digestion all while drinking a gallon of milk per week, eating gluten for the first time in 8 years & have no foods on my "do not eat" list, I no longer have food fear or are confused about what to eat.
And this is possible for you too!
This guide is your first step in learning how.
XOXO - The Gut Goddess

This is about to change the way you eat forever:
The Gut Goddess Meal Guide
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